Auto Book Bots Is Committed to Delivering Quality Services Despite The global impact of Covid-19

October 28 15:10 2021

NEW YORK – Oct 28, 2021 – The global impact of Covid-19 had a devastating effect on growing businesses, including publishing houses. Auto Book Bots met with the department of health to launch a COVID relief campaign for their writers. Now every native writer working at the renowned publishing house is eligible for basic income guarantee, mentorship programs, emergency relief applications, and income support in case of getting diagnosed as COVID positive. This effort was made effective in July 2021 after the company lost an editor due to Coronavirus and the deteriorating working conditions, health conditions, and income of writers who were bound to work from home.

At the beginning of the lockdown, Auto Book Bots immediately launched a vaccination campaign for all of its employees to abide by the government policies but later on, the company was bound to shut their office facility down with the rise in COVID 19 cases. The discovery of the Delta virus was the ultimate break for the city that never sleeps. Most of the experienced and specialized writers from the company had to travel back to their cities and states as per the US government rules. This was a setback for the company’s progress since it was losing its writers in the wake of a health or income crisis. 

“The loss of our expert editor shook the company to its core. We can’t let our skilled team suffer, especially when we have spent a decade handpicking each of them. We can’t just watch the New York creative cream turning sour. Finally, we have the solution to keep us together and ensure quality delivery for our customers.” – CEO

Auto Book Bots has created more jobs even during this pandemic. The best part? None of their customers came forward with complaints regarding their work. It appears as the publishing house strives hard to keep its clients satisfied. The COVID relief program is one of the examples. The publishing house has been in service for ten years. It will fulfill all your writing needs as a professional ghostwriting and editing service in the USA. Click here to become a successful published author today.

Media Contact
Company Name: Auto Book Bots
Email: Send Email
Phone: +1-877-472-9951
Address:900 Broadway
City: 1003 New York
Country: United States